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Shield Your Faith was founded to encourage Christians and non-Christians to understand the great reasons for faith in Jesus Christ.


Shield Your Faith was founded to encourage believers about the great reasons behind our faith in Jesus Christ. Ross Hickling, the founder of this ministry, is a retired criminal investigator, project supervisor, and program overseer with 26 years of experience in state/federal law enforcement. Over the past ten years, Ross has applied this developed expertise towards investigating the intersection of the Christian faith with modern culture.

Shield Your Faith is a ministry for people of all ages with a special emphasis on  equipping high school and college students. Ross is passionate about equipping students to confidently engage skeptical challenges to the Christian faith which often  occur on high school/college campuses and on social media platforms.


Jude 3 is featured on the bottom rocker of the inner badge.  In this small letter contained within the New Testament, Jude the half brother of Jesus calls all believers to discuss with those we come into contact with every day about the truthfulness of Christianity. In law enforcement circles, a shield is known as a badge that is worn as part of a police officer’s uniform. It is a symbol of authority that identifies the officer as having the authority to enforce the laws of a particular jurisdiction. Moreover, a shield is commonly known as a defensive implement that is utilized by police officers and soldiers alike in protecting themselves from attack.


Jude implores followers of Jesus Christ to earnestly contend for the faith.


"Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." Jude 3 (KJV)


This directive from Jude is a call for all believers in Jesus to defend against attacks against the Christian faith. He is saying that it is necessary for each individual Christian to defend or to argue against those who would unduly discredit belief in Jesus. As he continues his discussion, Jude further explains that those who follow their natural instincts and do not have “the Spirit” will try to divide believers in Jesus Christ (v 19). In that it is a major aim of mine to aid Christians in defending their faith from attack, I believe that “Shield Your Faith” sums up this important responsibility for all believers as described in verse three.


The logo itself contains shapes which are similar to two badges of the jurisdictions where I served as a law enforcement officer/criminal investigator. The interior badge shape is similar to the Portsmouth, Virginia Police Department badge where I proudly served for a little over five years. The outer circular badge shape is similar to the shape of the U.S. Marshals Service badge where I proudly served for just under twenty-one years. Of course, prominently displayed in the center of the logo is a cross that emphasizes that the sacrificial work of Jesus Christ on the cross is the foundation upon which any meaningful Christian ministry can function.

Tactical Evidence Inspecter.jpg


Meet the Tactical Evidence Inspector™. This character was created in order to dramatize the importance of being ready to give “an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have (1 Peter 3:15).” There are those who cross our paths today who make false claims about the Christian faith (e.g., religion and science are not compatible; Jesus never existed; etc.).  The only way to prepare oneself against these false claims is to train to become a "tactical evidence inspector." An inspector is one who gathers evidence to get to the bottom of—to discern—what the truth really is in any given situation.  In knowing what evidence actually is and what it is not, one can be ready to refute a false claim against Christianity that is not based on good evidence/data.


Notice that the Tactical Evidence Inspector™ has on a protective vest emblazoned with the cross and a shield.  This piece of equipment symbolizes the appropriation of the work of Jesus on the cross as the primary defense against an unfounded accusation against Christianity.  Not only does the inspector rely on his relationship with Jesus for protection, he also relies on the Bible to discern the counsel of God on any given issue.  The satchel hanging around the shoulder of the investigator represents the need for the Bible to be readily accessible, and also the necessity to rely on scholarly research in different areas to inform us as to the truth on the issues that face us today.  The magnifying glass observed on the utility belt of the inspector demonstrates that analysis and investigation are required to determine whether a given position stated is based on solid evidence or good facts.  Notice that the inspector is in motion.  He is always ready to defend himself against a false claim.

These new characters demonstrate the necessity for meeting the new challenges  of our current culture. The need for fresh answers to new questions. The quest for truth is always an ongoing process.


Interested in having Shield Your Faith with Ross Hickling at your next conference, event, or gathering?

Book Ross here.


P.O. Box 712

Kernersville, NC 27285-0712


Phone: (336) 701-2793  (2SYF)



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Order Ross's book HERE!


eBook: Is the Gospel the same as "Social Justice"?


Ross Hickling's CV

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